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How to Transform Negative Emotions
"The word emotion comes from the Latin emovere, meaning to 'move through or out.' So in its original form, there isn't any trace of clinging to, or rejecting, these movements. But instead of allowing emotions to move through and out of us, we often feed them with negative thoughts and end up giving them long-term residence. In short order, the guests take over the house, leaving us reeling and una... posted on Sep 19 2011, 68,408 reads


Friendship Balloons
When 9 year old Sara-Beth Martin let out red balloons in her send-off party a week before her second heart surgery, little did she know that one of them will travel 180 miles to reach 8 year old Reanna -- struggling with troubles of her own. The balloons carried a simple request of praying for Sara for her successful surgery. Reanna knew adversity and pain herself -- she lost her mother to cervica... posted on Sep 18 2011, 3,265 reads


The Dumpster
"'We can't use these. They look like heirlooms!' Gina, a guest at my holiday gathering, holds up one of the elaborately embroidered napkins from the buffet table. 'Where'd you get them?' 'Out of a dumpster. The tablecloth and those candleholders were in there, too.' 'You can't be serious! Why would they be in a dumpster?' The shock in her voice carried across the room, and others looked up. It's c... posted on Sep 17 2011, 5,866 reads


The Man Who Builds Bridges & Saves Lives
More than 13 years after his parents drowned in a flash flood, David Kakuko is at the Moruny River, building a bridge that might have prevented their deaths. The hanging footbridge will provide safe passage over the Moruny, a frequently flooded waterway in West Pokot, Kenya. "Before the bridge, there [were] so many people, so many who lost their lives," said Kakuko, 32. "I know, because I have no ... posted on Sep 16 2011, 3,150 reads


Blooming in the Whirlwhind
"'Conduct your blooming in the noise and whip of the whirlwind.' Strange message in a stranger place. I don't know who said it, but this pronouncement suddenly appeared on a huge wall of the 59th St. subway tunnel connecting the Lexington Avenue trains to the N and R lines. For many months I'd passed the area, which was roped off and covered over with heavy paper -- reconstruction in progress. Wha... posted on Sep 15 2011, 2,980 reads


How To Build A Beautiful Company
In the early 1970s, Bill Witherspoon lived for months in a school bus parked in the Oregon desert. A hundred miles from the nearest town, he spent day after day painting the sky and the clouds. He later sold his work for tidy sums. Witherspoon would spend the rest of his life alternating between painting and launching companies. When Witherspoon, then 60, launched The Sky Factory in 2002, he wonde... posted on Sep 14 2011, 11,236 reads


Feeding the World From A Garden Shed
The corrugated tin hut crouching in the undergrowth, dwarfed by dripping firs, looks like a wartime relic nobody could be bothered to clear away ... a sign reading "Mary's Meals" has been stuck above the doorway. To Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, his father's shed in Dalmally, Argyll, has acquired a talismanic significance. It's where he stockpiled food and clothes for Bosnian refugees in the 1990s -- ... posted on Sep 13 2011, 3,604 reads


Planning & Other Paths To Less Stress
A recent survey by psychologist and self-help author Robert Epstein found that 25% of our happiness hinges on how well we're able to manage stress. The next logical question is, of course, how best can we reduce our stress? The stress management technique that worked best, according to the survey: planning. In other words, "fighting stress before it even starts, planning things rather than letting... posted on Sep 12 2011, 8,817 reads


The Ripple Effect of Kindness
"Over the last few years, I've become a big proponent of Smile Cards. The premise behind these small cards is simple: do an anonymous act of kindness and leave a card behind, inviting the recipient to pay-it-forward. If he/she does, the chain keeps going, resulting in "ripples" of kindness radiating out. Smile Cards are wonderful in ways I cannot count. Small, simple, humble -- yet powerful, becau... posted on Sep 11 2011, 23,055 reads


10 Strategies for Reducing Prejudice
UC Berkeley professor Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton provides research-based tips for overcoming prejudices based on differences. Here are his top ten strategies, summarized: Travel (somewhere that challenges your worldview); Take a course on prejudice; If you value egalitarianism, recognize that unconscious bias is no more "the real you" than your conscious values; Laugh a little -- smiles and happiness ... posted on Sep 10 2011, 17,465 reads


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When you eat at the refrigerator, pull up a chair.
Geneen Roth's book title

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